Contributors Conference 2015
Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry
Carnegie Mellon University
May 25-31
A group of approximately 30 participants gathered spent a week at the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, advancing the code, documentation, and community outreach tools of the p5.js programming environment. Participants came from as far away as Hong Kong, Seattle, Los Angeles, Boston and New York. Most were working professionals in the fields of creative technology, interaction design, and new-media arts, but the group also included a half-dozen undergraduate and graduate students from Carnegie Mellon’s Schools of Art and Architecture.

Jason Alderman, Sepand Ansari, Tega Brain, Emily Chen, Andres Colubri, Luca Damasco, Guy de Bree, Christine de Carteret, Xy Feng, Sarah Groff-Palermo, Chris Hallberg, Val Head, Johanna Hedva, Kate Hollenbach, Jennifer Jacobs, Epic Jefferson, Michelle Partogi, Sam Lavigne, Golan Levin, Cici Liu, Maya Man, Lauren McCarthy, David Newbury, Paolo Pedercini, Luisa Pereira, Miles Peyton, Caroline Record, Berenger Recoules, Stephanie Pi, Jason Sigal, Kevin Siwoff, Charlotte Stiles
Alongside technical development, one of the main focuses of this conference was outreach, community, and diversity. The conference began with a panel—Diversity: Seven Voices on Race, Gender, Ability & Class for FLOSS and the Internet. Organized by Johanna Hedva
and Lauren McCarthy, the panel took place Tuesday, 25 May 2015 in Kresge Auditorium at Carnegie Mellon University. Speakers included Maya Man, Casey
Reas, Johanna Hedva, Stephanie Pi,
Phoenix Perry, Taeyoon Choi,
Sara Hendren, Epic Jefferson,
and Chandler McWilliams.
Casey Reas | Johanna Hedva | |
Stephanie Pi | Phoenix Perry | |
Taeyoon Choi | Sara Hendren | |
Epic Jefferson | Chandler McWilliams |
私たちの貢献者会議は、 Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry ペンシルバニア州ピッツバーグのカーネギーメロン大学で開催されました。ここは芸術、科学、技術、文化の交差点で非典型的で反学科的かつ機関を超えた研究を行う学術的実験室です。
このイベントは、 National Endowment for the Arts,
からの助成金と、 NYU Interactive Telecommunications Program
(ITP), Processing Foundation, TheArtificial, Bocoup, Darius Kazemi, と Emergent Digital Practices | University of Denver